Mountain Falls Luxury Motorcoach Resort is restricted to Class A Motorcoaches 26 feet or greater in length. Guest coaches greater than 10 years old shall be inspected for suitability to occupy sites. If you are in doubt about the condition of your coach, please contact our guest services at the number provided at the top of the page before making a reservation.
Located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina, the Lake Toxaway area is unparalleled for scenic mountains, waterfalls, lakes, streams, parkland, and an amazing climate. (Learn more at
At an elevation of over 3200 ft., our Class A Motorcoach resort has 4 true seasons. Spring offers gorgeous azaleas, rhododendron, and mountain laurel – all native to our region. Summers are lush with green foliage and an average June temperature of 71 degrees. Fall landscapes burn brilliant with red, orange and gold from mid-October through early November. Winter brings blue skies, crystal-clear air, frosty snow-covered scenes, and frozen forest sculptures.